By on June 16, 2020

The beginning of 2020 started out with some very happy and long anticipated news! We found out we were having a baby in January. Lachlan’s baby sister is due in October this year. We are all looking forward to growing our family and making many happy memories.

Gender Reveal Scavenger Hunt

With Covid 19 on the rise the stay at home order started in March in Atlanta. I found out the gender from the bloodwork at about 17 weeks. I kept it from Zach and Lachlan because I knew we needed a good surprise in the midst of the pandemic. We had been in the house for a while, unsure about the world around us. I called up our friends Maggie and Everett and we secretly hatched with a plan. We decided to do a social distanced scavenger hunt as the reveal! Some clues would bring us back to some significant spots in the history of our 10+ year relationship. Read below to see how it unfolds!

We started in the back yard with the first clue in the castle that Zach is building for Lachlan. It prompted them to dig up an egg with the second clue to get things started.

Clue 1: To learn something new you have to go back to where it all began… You dove in when I thought you were just a friend. Later you pulled my name off the roster and our love started to foster.

Zach and I met as lifeguards at the Ga Tech CRC. He got my number by pulling it off the work roster!!

Clue 2: You tutored in math and I drew all night. I snuck you in but alas this spot has met its end. 

This is the new Spring House SCAD dorm. The one I knew has been demolished. Zach and I spent many years getting to know each other in college.

Clue 3: The park was our yard and the dwellings were tight. The next clue is where we used to sleep each night.

Our old 10th street apartment looks totally different as well but Zach found this clue pretty easily!

Clue 4: When you said I love you the water flowed high. Go to the spot or the next clue will pass you by.  – Okay so this is the point where Zach started to get concerned. He was so surprised that the clues were taking us out of town. He didn’t know exactly how involved Maggie and Everett were in this plot.

This clue took us to High Falls, GA where Zach first said “I love you”. The cops were there to ensure social distancing and were turning people away from parking. We kept driving…

Clue 5:
And now for a trip down memory lane,
Don’t fret, you’re getting closer, only a few clues remain
A Bragg Jam of old, ‘‘twas a raucous scene
This happened way back in 2016
Head to the venue where you drew the headliner- the crowd all applauded for no picture was finer (Maggie and Everett are writing the clues at this point)

We have so many memories with our friends at this venue and downtown Macon.

Clue 6: Don’t give up now-come on, pick up the pace! To a park with a fountain- you both drew Lachlan’s face.

Clue 7: You’ve made it this far, not bad for a beginner, but with all of this scouting, you’ve surely earned dinner. All this will be worth it, you’ll see what I mean. Head to Fresh Air BBQ ask for pick up for “Queen.”

We grabbed some food to share. At this point Zach had a feeling we were going to see Everett and Maggie soon!

Clue 8: You’re almost there, better hurry while the food is still hot. Do you know what is coming? Is your stomach in knots? Head to the home of your best man and see a clue awaits Lachlan in a swing in a tree.

We didn’t get a photo but Lachlan found a teddy bear in the swing out front that had a clue to go to the back yard.

As we entered the yard Zach was surprised to find this sign among other pink things and our friends!

We are so grateful to have such good friends! Special thanks to Maggie for arranging this. It was even complete with some pink beer, balloons, and cupcakes. We did our best to social distance in the yard and really to a risk to spend the day together. It was totally worth it!

Pregnancy during a pandemic

This pregnancy has been an emotional rollercoaster. With the inability to get out, visit with family or even have check ups with the same ease, I have had a lot of anxiety about EVERYTHING. To say it has been hard is an understatement. I appreciate all the sacrifices everyone has made by quarantining and making effort to reduce the spread of coronavirus. My doctors office has taken precautions and only allow patients, no guests. This means that Zach has not seen the baby on any ultrasounds and he did not get to hear the heartbeat in person. They do allow faceTime and he has called in every time. Taking blood is definitely a lot harder without him there to distract me. When people complain about quarantine or go out and spread the disease in reckless ways it really upsets me to think about the sacrifice we have just made during my pregnancy.

Update: I have velamentous cord insertion where the cord that supplies nutrients to the placenta is on the side. Therefore it is less protected than it normally would be. I will be taking it easy and checking on this with my doctor. I will have a c-section as well.

Find our registry online:

We would like to thank everyone for your generous gifts. In lieu of a baby shower, we are posting our registries online. Please stay home and stay safe!

Zach and Jessi
Atlanta, GA, USA

Hi we are Zach and Jessi. Some say we are a power couple but we are just a couple of young adults trying to get by exploring the world and creating art. We have dachshunds and draw on the sidewalk. We enjoy urban and backcountry backpacking. Follow our journey as we grow and learn from our travels.
