Lachlan Hawk – A birth story
I came to the hospital very pregnant with contractions. I didn’t even realize I was having them and thought I just had to go to the bathroom. They first hooked me up to the monitor and we listened to his heart beat and saw the contractions. It was meant to be today one way or another.

In triage, getting ready to meet our son.
Zach was so sweet getting ready in the triage room. My mom was there to support me. I felt so loved. Zach wanted to spend the last few minutes with just me, so my mom and Zach’s family went to the waiting room.

Last few moments before the birth.
I went back to get epidural while Zach waited. Ruthy my nurse was really nice but forgetful. She had to get me a pillow. She held my hands while they stuck me in the spine. That was the most painful part and I cried on Ruthy’s shoulder as she held me. I wanted my mom. It was a weird feeling of it going through my legs. The anesthesiologist was really nice and calm. It was weird having my legs out and bottom exposed. I could not feel any of it. Dr B described it as really heavy snow pants. She was accurate. I could barely breathe because of my cold. That was probably the worst part. They told me I would feel pressure or some tugging. It really didn’t feel any different from baby moving around inside me. Or gas pains. I can’t tell the difference in all the types of stomach pains.

Fish tank thermometer on my head.
While they had me on the table it was very hard to breathe. My face and hands started itching and turning red. I was having an allergic reaction to something they were pumping through my IV. I tried to tune that all out and focus on Zach. Our baby came so quickly! Before I knew it I saw excitement on Zach’s face. It was such a happy moment. Dr B was surprised as she pulled him out and told us there was a true knot in his chord. She said it was good luck and nothing to worry about. It was never pulled tight because we didn’t deliver vaginally – that could have been bad. He was healthy and perfect. They took him over to clean him up and measure him and Zach was able to take photos.

Our newborn measured at 8lbs 1oz
Zach brought Lachlan over for me to see. I couldn’t touch him or do skin to skin yet. They wanted to sew me up first and then do that in the recovery room. I was on drugs and didn’t quite understand. I kept asking to see Zach and the baby. I didn’t like being away from Zach. They had me hooked up to IVs and monitors. Two people slid me into a rolling bed and then they carted me to recovery.

Seeing our baby for the first time.
Once in recovery I found Zach already with Lachlan. He said it was almost an hour before I came in but I felt like it was way shorter for some reason. I still wanted to do skin to skin so they gave zach the baby and helped me shift all the chords attached to me.

Skin on skin contact is very important
He was so sweet and small. I wasn’t quite sure what to do or say. I was told I could try to feed him. The nurse helped me get him to latch on.

Finally together
Hey, this is Zach. When Lachlan came to the recovery room we hung out holding hands and telling jokes. Finally Jessi came and we were a whole family.